Michael Apple e a Modernização Conservadora: Reflexões Contemporâneas sobre Educação e Currículo Escolar
Michael Apple e a Modernização Conservadora: Reflexões Contemporâneas sobre Educação e Currículo Escolar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.346152410012
Palavras-chave: Teoria Crítica, Currículo, Neoconservadorismo, Neoliberalismo, Modernização Conservadora
Keywords: Critical Theory, Curriculum, Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, Conservative Modernization
Abstract: The text addresses the contemporary relevance of Michael Apple’s critical perspective on education and the school curriculum, analyzing the influence of dominant structures and social, economic, and political interests in this context. It highlights how the curriculum can contribute to the reproduction of inequalities, emphasizing the need for a fairer and more inclusive education. Furthermore, it examines Apple’s critique of both neoconservative and neoliberal trends, which remain highly relevant, as they promote the standardization and commodification of education, articulated through the notion of “conservative modernization.” This approach is viewed as a threat to educators’ autonomy and the development of critical and emancipatory pedagogy, as it imposes a diminished role for the state in education. The text also underscores the urgency of resisting these trends, advocating for a curriculum aligned with the ideals of a democratic and pluralistic society.