Mediadores Inflamatórios em Pacientes Gestantes Com Doença Periodontal
Mediadores Inflamatórios em Pacientes Gestantes Com Doença Periodontal
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.06423280914
Palavras-chave: Doenças periodontais; Parto prematuro; Baixo peso ao nascer.
Keywords: Periodontal diseases; Premature birth; Low weight at birth.
Abstract: The relationship between periodontal diseases and premature birth and/or low birth weight has been noted in several studies in the academic world. The fact is that the increase in clinical cases is of great importance for public health. Indeed, premature birth is one of the main causes of low birth weight (<2500g), and studies indicate that periodontal diseases are closely related to that phenomenon. In addition, even with the large number of studies in this approach, the lack of consensus in current literature has been a major difficulty in reaching solid conclusions. However, studies agree that there is no doubt that periodontal diseases increase the risk of preterm delivery. If this is the case, we can conclude that maintaining oral health in pregnant women is essential.
- Chen Pin
- Débora Tavares de Resende e Silva
- Sarah Franco Vieira de Oliveira Maciel