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Mathematical and numerical modelling of gas-solid turbulent flows in complex geometries


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Mathematical and numerical modelling of gas-solid turbulent flows in complex geometries

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4701905046

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: CFD, Complex geometries, Immersed Boundary Method, solid particles

  • Abstract:

    The presence of solid particles in

    industrial turbulent flows in complex geometries

    is widely evidenced in engineering. However

    the correct prediction of flow patterns, particles

    trajectories and distributions is a highly complex

    task. The analysis of the particle velocity as

    well as their trajectories in the gas-solid flow is

    of fundamental importance. We used an Euler-

    Lagrangean approach where the dispersed

    phase is treated in the Lagrangean referential

    and the governing equations for the continuous

    phase are solved in the Eulerian referential. An

    advantage of the application of the Immersed

    Boundary Method is that the immersed geometry

    is also represented in the Lagrangean referential.

    It is worthy to recall that one of the advantages

    of the Immersed boundary methodology is the

    capability of solving flows in the presence of

    complexes geometries in Cartesian grids, which

    facilitates the particle tracking of solid particles

    in LES. By performing Large Eddy Simulations

    we demonstrate, in the present work, that it is

    possible to predict complex multiphase flows by

    combining promising methodologies like LES

    and Immersed Boundary Methodology. The fully

    parallel in-house code developed was validated

    face to experimental results of Sommerfeld and

    S.Lain (2001) with very good accuracy.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Letícia Raquel de Oliveira
  • João Marcelo Vedovoto
  • Aristeu da Silveira Neto
  • Stella Rodrigues Ferreira Lima Ribeiro
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