Las fake news como fenómeno de desinformación y posverdad. Una revisión de la literatura del 2018 al 2022
Las fake news como fenómeno de desinformación y posverdad. Una revisión de la literatura del 2018 al 2022
Palavras-chave: noticias falsas, redes sociales, plataformas digitales, desinformación.
Keywords: fake news, social networks, digital platforms, disinformation.
Abstract: The term fake news is increasingly gaining popularity, and this is because various media outlets, both digital and analog, continuously disseminate this type of information, sometimes causing anxiety and panic among the public who consider what they see in these contents as true. Therefore, it is considered important to know how much has been published in academia on this topic. Considering this, the methodology of the study was a quantitative approach, conducting a bibliographic review of what was published on this subject in the Scopus and SciElo databases, between 2018 and 2022. The results indicated that the number of publications has been increasing every year, with Scopus being the repository with the highest number of publications. Also, that Spain is the country with the highest number of publications, and a high percentage of what has been published is freely accessible. It is concluded that there is a growth in the number of publications in Spanish-language journals due to the increase in this mode of information dissemination.
- Yulvitz Ramon Quiroz Pacheco
- Angélica Chávez Cornejo
- Yerina Nicole Gonzáles Flores
- Juan José Adolfo Aguado Ortiz
- Nascia Lucelly Marquina Ruiz