La conservación y valoración de la riqueza gastronómica mediante el Valor Agregado Comunitario
La conservación y valoración de la riqueza gastronómica mediante el Valor Agregado Comunitario
Palavras-chave: Conservación, Ingredientes, Gastronomía, Valor, Comunitario
Keywords: Conservation, Ingredients, Gastronomy, Value, Community
Abstract: The research is focused on studying the gastronomic richness of the State of Oaxaca, which is recognized for its wide variety of ingredients and flavors that represent its culture. However, in recent decades the availability of culinary ingredients has been gradually decreasing and some of them are at risk of disappearing, impacting the decrease in the supply of gastronomic dishes or the substitution of ingredients for other different ones, causing the flavors, textures and colors that traditionally characterize them to be lost or modified. In addition, it is noted that the natural ingredients used in traditional cuisine also face a consumption trend where ease, availability and price promote the use of industrial ingredients that contribute to jeopardize the permanence and preservation of traditional knowledge and flavors. The problem described warns of the lack of actions aimed at conserving the ingredients of traditional Oaxacan cuisine and proposes the use of Community Value Added (VAC) as a strategy to promote their valuation, conservation and use. In this sense, the objective of the research is to expose the scope of the undervaluation of traditional ingredients and to highlight the importance of valuing them in order to preserve them. In order to value them, it is necessary to know their contribution to the traditional Oaxacan cuisine and for this reason, a survey of traditional cooks of the Mixteca Baja Region was carried out and the result allowed identifying ingredients that need to be promoted for their conservation and valuation.
- Reyes, Martín