La comercialización de plantas de ornato en el sur del Estado de México
La comercialización de plantas de ornato en el sur del Estado de México
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.55623191011
Palavras-chave: Plantas ornamentales, comercialización, márgenes de comercialización
Keywords: Ornamental plants, marketing, marketing margins
Abstract: The present study analyzes the process of commercialization of ornamental flowers in containers, in the municipality of Tejupilco, south of the State of Mexico, and the economic impact that this activity generates among the main participating agents; the reference year of the research was 2021; the study was based on the most commercialized species in the region, the rose (Rosa sp.). The main marketing channels followed by the plants from the moment they leave the greenhouse until they reach the final consumer were identified, and the resulting marketing margins were calculated at current prices throughout the entire process. The traditional marketing channel used to bring ornamental plants from the greenhouse to the final consumer was direct sales from the producer to wholesale intermediaries, from the producer to retailers and to the final consumer. The participation of the producers in the final price of the roses was an average of 60.47%; collectors participated with 29.07% and retailers with 10.21%; the average total marketing margin was 10.58 $/plant, of which collectors achieved the highest average margin at 8.65 $/plant, while the remaining 1.93 $/plant was awarded to retailers.
- Felipe de Jesús González Razo
- José Luis Morales Hernández
- José Luis Tinoco Jaramillo