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IT GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: A bibliographical review of studies carried out and published.


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IT GOVERNANCE AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE: A bibliographical review of studies carried out and published.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0291919034

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: IT Governance, Culture, NVIVO

  • Abstract:

    The objective of this article is to

    carry out a bibliographic study, which intends

    to identify the impact that the organizational

    culture has within the IT governance, measuring

    the growth of the articles in the dissemination of

    information in scientific journals in Sciello and

    SPELL databases. The research method used

    in this study Was the comparison of 18 articles

    searched in the databases through the keyword

    “IT Governance and Culture” applied to the title

    and summary of the periodicals. In the complete

    analysis of the results, the article verified

    that the analyzes carried out in the NVIVO

    Software 11, coincide with the theoretical basis

    of this work, aligning points that demonstrate

    that there is a direct relationship between

    Organizational culture and IT Governance, and

    strong evidence was found to exist The need

    for alignment of such points so that there is a

    correct functioning of the system and for there to

    be greater transparency in the information and

    constant perpetuity of the business. The article

    concludes that Organizational Culture and IT

    Governance are directly linked and influence

    each other within companies.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • José Luis de Medeiros Sousa
  • Luiz Gustavo Argentino
  • Alessandro Marco Rosini
  • Orlando Roque da Silva
  • Arnoldo José de Hoyos Guevara
  • Angelo Palmisano
  • Enio Tadashi Nose
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