Artigo - Atena Editora


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Intredegitated Electrode as Material Sensor

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Intredegitated Electrode as Material Sensor

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  • Abstract: This work is to focus on the modeling and simulation of interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) that describes a single-step and quick production method based on inkjet printing. The IDEs on a substrate were created using a commercially available inkjet-printer on circuit board (PCB) printer. The inkjet printer was used specifically for printing IDEs which are designed on a computer. The size of IDEs 25×75mm2 1.6mm thickness the design have 20 fingers 0.31mm width fingers of copper materials. For chemical sensing applications, a frequency range of 1 Hz to 10 GHz was used an electrochemical workstation. The IDE sensors performed well in terms of water quantification on material sensor. Different parameters like S-characteristics, impedance with and without sample material was measured. Characteristics of water particles, Zn nano particles and water detected through simulation. Whereas Zn nano particles and water content were detected in laboratory.  Inkjet printing, on the other hand, delivers IDE sensors at a fraction of the cost and time. The inkjet printing-based IDE sensor, which can be made in less time and less cost can be adopted as a suitable IDE sensor with quick fabrication process competencies. Which shows very good resonance frequency peaks that shows good results.

  • Sumble Yousaf
  • Muhammad Yasir
  • Hina Maryam
  • Ghulam Nabi
  • Zunaira Fatima
  • Farkhanda Shabbir
  • Ali Raza
  • Muhammad Azeem Aslam
  • Zunaira Javeed
  • Kamran Arshad
  • Hafza Laraib
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