Intervenção fisioterapêutica na tíbia vara de Blount em pediatria: Estudo quasi experimental
Intervenção fisioterapêutica na tíbia vara de Blount em pediatria: Estudo quasi experimental
Palavras-chave: Modalidades de fisioterapia. Tíbia vara. Doença de Blount
Keywords: Physiotherapy modalities. Tibia rod. Blount's disease
Abstract: Introduction. Blount's tibia vara is a developmental pathology characterized by involvement of the proximal medial physis of the tibia. Clinically, it presents as varus deformity and internal rotation. Physiotherapy, started in the pre-hospital period, presents beneficial therapeutic resources for early functional return. Objective. To analyze a pre- and post-operative physiotherapeutic protocol in children and/or adolescents with Blount's tibia in a reference hospital in Recife. Method. A quantitative, quasi-experimental study was carried out at Hospital Otávio de Freitas after approval by the Research Ethics Committee. The sample was made up of children and adolescents, of both sexes, who were included due to Blount's diagnosis through complementary examination and clinical history and excluded due to cognitive impairment, previous orthopedic injury in the operated limb or active infections. Anthropometric, socio-demographic and clinical data were collected, using a form prepared by the researchers, in the pre- and post-hospital period. The collected data was subsequently analyzed. Results and discussion. The sample consisted of 10 adolescents, whose average age was 12 (± 1.33) years, average weight was 61 (± 3.28) kg and average height was 1.60 (± 2.65) meters . The individuals had mild to moderate pain before the surgical approach (VAS: 5), with restricted mobility and muscle weakness. Among the main approaches used, the use of early mobilization (76%), active-assisted and active kinesiotherapy (67%) as well as the use of functional milestones training (bedside sitting, standing and walking with an assistive device) were clinically important for discharge within the estimated deadline. Conclusion. Motor physiotherapy has been shown to be beneficial in pain control and early functional recovery in post-operative patients with Blount's rod tibia. The absence of validated protocols and scarce literature seem to be good starting points for new research on the topic.
- Meyrian Luana Teles de Sousa Luz Soares
- Manoel Odilon de Souza Barbosa e Silva
- Tale Lucas Vieira Rolim