Intervenção fisioterapêutica após utilização de biovidro ativo no tratamento local de osteomielite crônica cavitária pediátrica: revisão sistemática
Intervenção fisioterapêutica após utilização de biovidro ativo no tratamento local de osteomielite crônica cavitária pediátrica: revisão sistemática
Palavras-chave: Modalidades de fisioterapia; Nanopartículas; Bioglass; Atividade bacteriana
Keywords: Physiotherapy modalities; Nanoparticles; Bioglass; Bacterial activity
Abstract: Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory process of infectious origin that can affect bone tissue. It can present different etiological classifications, from hematogenous, contiguity and chronic to those that consider the pattern of bone involvement, such as medullary, superficial and permeative, whether unstable and/or stable. Physiotherapeutic intervention, associated with the procedure using nanoparticles, can bring benefits incorporated into bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. The objective of this study was to describe, through a systematic review of the literature, the physiotherapeutic intervention after using active bioglass in the local treatment of pediatric chronic cavitary osteomyelitis. In comparison to the use of bone cement, which has a narrow spectrum, the use of polymethylmethacrylate associated with silver nanoparticles reduced the number of colony-forming units, making its use in combination with antibiotics highly suggestive. Physiotherapy used resources such as manual therapeutic techniques and kinesiotherapy, contributing to bedside sitting, standing and walking, stimulating functional recovery.
- Meyrian Luana Teles de Sousa Luz Soares
- Tale Lucas Vieira Rolim