Intervenção educativa virtual na Atenção Primária à Saúde com base no Guia Alimentar para Crianças Brasileiras Menores de Dois Anos
Intervenção educativa virtual na Atenção Primária à Saúde com base no Guia Alimentar para Crianças Brasileiras Menores de Dois Anos
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9382320125
Palavras-chave: Guias Alimentares; Educação Alimentar e Nutricional; Promoção da Saúde.
Keywords: Food Guide; Food and Nutrition Education; Health Promotion.
Abstract: Present a virtual educational workshop methodology on eating practices for children under two years of age, for parents and caregivers, based on the Food Guide for Brazilian Children Under Two Years. Development: The target audience is parents and caregivers of children, who will be selected through the WhatsApp application. For planning the virtual educational workshop, these are currently: its number of steps and objectives for each one, methods used and duration. The virtual workshop lasts a total of 120 minutes, comprising the following steps: i) presentation; ii) reception; iii) problematization of the topic; iv) presentation of the Food Guide for children under 2 years old; v) questionnaire; vi) evaluation of the workshop, farewell and thanks. Final Considerations: It is expected that educational activities will contribute to encouraging parents and caregivers to compensate for the eating habits of children under two years of age.
- Anabele Pires Santos
- Karina Gomes Faria
- Maria Cristina Passos