Intervenção da Comunidade Internacional em Ajuda ao Governo para o fim das Hostilidades Militares na Província de Cabo Delgado.
Intervenção da Comunidade Internacional em Ajuda ao Governo para o fim das Hostilidades Militares na Província de Cabo Delgado.
Palavras-chave: Hostilidades militares, Intervenção, Beneficios, riscos, ajuda
Keywords: Military hostilities, Intervention, Benefits, risks, aid
Abstract: The object of this article is to study the intervention of the international community in support of the country with a view to ending the military conflict in the Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado, which has been going on since October 5, 2017. The conflict was caused by a combination of factors abundance of natural resources with the notorious poverty of the province's population, with social inequalities within the population, ethnic exclusion, marginalization and the lack of employment opportunities for young people, as well as the Islamic radicalization of the most vulnerable sections of the population of Cabo Delgado. The death of people, destruction of infrastructure and public and private assets, displacement of populations from their areas of origin with all the logistical, social, economic, health problems, among others, that this raises; significant absorption of the state budget to face war efforts; lack of funds for other sectors; deprivation of peace; sovereignty problems and the stoppage of the onshore natural gas liquefaction project, that is, on the continent, are the main, but not the only, consequences of terrorism. The international community responded positively to the request for support made by the Mozambican Government to put an end to the armed conflict. The benefits of this aid to Mozambique are invaluable. Liberation of urban centers that were occupied by terrorists such as, among others, the cases of Palma and Mocímboa da Praia; restore State authority in these urban centers; prevent the murder of more members of the communities in these urban centers; the reconstruction of public and private infrastructures; the return of displaced populations to their areas of origin and the resumption of their “normal” lives; the reopening of access roads and the resumption of economic activities. This on the one hand. On the other hand, help from the international community also enabled the training of the Mozambican Defense and Security Forces. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, aid also poses risks to the country. The presence in the country of significant military contingents fighting and controlling national territorial areas can call into question the issue of national sovereignty, which occurs when a country has total control, dominance and power within the boundary line of its territory. Furthermore, the presence in the country of these foreign military contingents raises sensitive security issues for the Mozambican State itself, as national and other military secrets are exposed. The study concluded that in terms of possible solutions to the conflict, the military route alone does not provide guarantees for the end of hostilities and does not allow us to visualize a time horizon in which this could happen. Despite this, it is the Government's duty to defend its population, as long as terrorists continue to attack. The negotiating route, that is, dialogue, is an option, despite the challenge of identifying valid interlocutors to negotiate an end to the conflict. The diplomatic route for Mozambique to obtain, in the concert of nations and other relevant international organizations, the necessary support for its approach and contact with valid interlocutors is also worth considering. Therefore, the solution to the conflict necessarily involves combining all these options.
- Eugénia Maria da Isabel Meque Mahota
- Nelta Natália Cardoso Lapone