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Interfaces for Applying the Water Quality Index in Analyses of the Buranhém River, Bahia

The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality data of the Buranhém River through the Water Quality Index (WQI). To characterize water quality, data were collected in 4 fluviometric stations using information from the hydrological data archive (Hidroweb) at the National Water Agency (ANA) website for the most recent year (2021). The tools used in this study included the nine water quality parameters: turbidity, total solids, hydrogen potential, temperature, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, thermotolerant coliforms, and total phosphorus. The results showed that the variables total phosphorus and thermotolerant coliforms do not comply with the limits established by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005 for class 2 freshwaters. However, it was verified that the other variables complied with the Resolution. In a basin management plan, the discharge of phosphorus and coliforms into river waters can be avoided with specific measures and actions, such as the treatment of domestic sewage.

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Interfaces for Applying the Water Quality Index in Analyses of the Buranhém River, Bahia

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1702301093

  • Palavras-chave: Buranhém River, Water Quality, Dissolved Oxygen.

  • Keywords: Buranhém River, Water Quality, Dissolved Oxygen.

  • Abstract:

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the water quality data of the Buranhém River through the Water Quality Index (WQI). To characterize water quality, data were collected in 4 fluviometric stations using information from the hydrological data archive (Hidroweb) at the National Water Agency (ANA) website for the most recent year (2021). The tools used in this study included the nine water quality parameters: turbidity, total solids, hydrogen potential, temperature, biochemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, thermotolerant coliforms, and total phosphorus. The results showed that the variables total phosphorus and thermotolerant coliforms do not comply with the limits established by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005 for class 2 freshwaters. However, it was verified that the other variables complied with the Resolution. In a basin management plan, the discharge of phosphorus and coliforms into river waters can be avoided with specific measures and actions, such as the treatment of domestic sewage.

  • João Gabriel de Moraes Pinheiro
  • Mauro de Paula Moreira
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