Artigo - Atena Editora


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Influenciadoras digitais de moda como educadoras: reflexões a partir do pensamento freiriano

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0812307085

  • Palavras-chave: Consumo de moda. Influenciadoras digitais. Paulo Freire. Educação

  • Keywords: Fashion consumption. Digital influencers. Paulo Freire. Education.

  • Abstract:

    One of the functions of fashion is communication. This involves the proper interpretation of symbols and meanings that are learned and shared socially. In this research, we seek to identify whether digital influencers really teach their followers the language of fashion to achieve the desired communication. For this, we carried out a Netnography with digital fashion influencers and semi-structured interviews with influencer marketing professionals, with pedagogues, with digital influencers, and with the followers of these influencers. We analyzed the educational character of the influencers' speeches based on four categories proposed in the works of the Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire: formation and legitimacy, centrality of the message, dialogue, and connection with reality. With that, whe shed light to the necessary elements to consider a digital influencer as an educator, incorporating the theme to the field of consumption, fashion and social networks

  • Andressa Carla Palavecini
  • Olga Maria Coutinho Pépece
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