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O presente trabalho apresenta uma

revisão bibliográfica acerca no processo de

crescimento populacional do idoso no Brasil e

sua inclusão digital. Por muito tempo o idoso

era visto com uma perspectiva de inativo e

passivo, sujeito a ser dependente dos que são

responsáveis por ele, porém, atualmente, essa

imagem tem sido substituída por um sujeito

com uma postura mais autônoma e ativa na

sociedade capaz de aprender e trazer mudanças

sociais e políticas. É sabido que, as Tecnologias

da Informação e Comunicação – TICs, estão

cada vez mais evoluindo e adentrando as

tarefas da sociedade, dessa forma, é essencial

que o idoso aprenda a utilizar as novas

ferramentas tecnológicas, haja vista que até

os eletrodomésticos estão ganhando fontes

digitais e os principais meios de comunicação

estão sendo celulares e computadores. Dessa

forma, surge a necessidade de identificar as

principais dificuldades para o processo de

aprendizagem desses idosos, uma vez que

essas pessoas não estão familiarizadas com

as TICs e, muitas vezes, possuem limitações

físicas e cognitivas, para que se possa oferecer

uma adequação e compreensão em qual

metodologia utilizar para que possibilite o

ensino e facilite a acessibilidade. Além disso,

percebe-se os benefícios no uso da tecnologia

na terceira idade em relação a qualidade de

vida para esse público. Portanto, entendendo

o contexto e os direitos da terceira idade, temse

por objetivo: Apresentar os benefícios da

inclusão digital para idosos no Brasil e identificar

as dificuldades encontradas pelo público idoso

para acessar e utilizar as TICs.


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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.77219131129

  • Palavras-chave: Idoso; Tecnologia; Inclusão.

  • Keywords: This paper presents a literature review about the process of population growth Políticas de Envelhecimento Populacional 2 Capítulo 29 267 of the elderly in Brazil and its digital inclusion. For a long time the elderly were seen with a perspective of inactive and passive, subject to being dependent on those responsible for it, but nowadays, this image has been replaced by a subject with a more autonomous and active posture in society capable of learning. and bring about social and political change. It is well known that Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs are increasingly evolving and entering the tasks of society, so it is essential that the elderly learn to use the new technological tools, given that even home appliances are gaining sources digital and the main media are being cell phones and computers. Thus, there is a need to identify the main difficulties for the learning process of these elderly, since these people are not familiar with ICTs and often have physical and cognitive limitations, so that they can offer an adequacy and understanding. which methodology to use to enable teaching and facilitate accessibility. In addition, it is perceived the benefits in the use of technology in the elderly in relation to the quality of life for this audience. Therefore, by understanding the context and rights of the elderly, the objective is: To present the benefits of digital inclusion for the elderly in Brazil and to identify the difficulties encountered by the elderly to access and use ICTs.

  • Abstract:

    This paper presents a literature

    review about the process of population growth

    Políticas de Envelhecimento Populacional 2 Capítulo 29 267

    of the elderly in Brazil and its digital inclusion. For a long time the elderly were seen with

    a perspective of inactive and passive, subject to being dependent on those responsible

    for it, but nowadays, this image has been replaced by a subject with a more autonomous

    and active posture in society capable of learning. and bring about social and political

    change. It is well known that Information and Communication Technologies - ICTs are

    increasingly evolving and entering the tasks of society, so it is essential that the elderly

    learn to use the new technological tools, given that even home appliances are gaining

    sources digital and the main media are being cell phones and computers. Thus, there

    is a need to identify the main difficulties for the learning process of these elderly, since

    these people are not familiar with ICTs and often have physical and cognitive limitations,

    so that they can offer an adequacy and understanding. which methodology to use to

    enable teaching and facilitate accessibility. In addition, it is perceived the benefits in

    the use of technology in the elderly in relation to the quality of life for this audience.

    Therefore, by understanding the context and rights of the elderly, the objective is:

    To present the benefits of digital inclusion for the elderly in Brazil and to identify the

    difficulties encountered by the elderly to access and use ICTs.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Ariel Moraes de Andrade
  • Elihab Pereira Gomes
  • Livia Nascimento Rabelo
  • Andressa Paiva Porto
  • Ana Lúcia de Lima
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