As enteroparasitoses, podem darse
como assintomáticas em alguns casos ou
até mesmo manifestar danos como obstrução
intestinal, dores abdominais, febre, náuseas
e até episódios de anemia. A sua forma de
transmissão é variada, indo da ingesta de
água e alimentos contaminados, contato
direto, à fatores socioeconômicos. O presente
trabalho teve como objetivo notificar o índice
de positividade de protozoários e helmintos em
amostras a fim de chamar atenção para uma
política mais eficaz na profilaxia das parasitoses
intestinais. Utilizou-se a metodologia de Lutz/
Hoffman para analisar as amostras recebidas
no laboratório, no período de janeiro a junho de
2018. Os dados foram tabulados pelo programa
microsoft excel 2010 durante o primeiro
semestre de 2018. Dentre as 3.603 amostras,
517 (14,3%) foram positivas e 3.089 (85,7%),
negativas. Dentre as amostras positivas, 500
casos (96,7%) foram positivos para protozoários
e apenas 17 (3,3%) para helmintos. O grupo
dos protozoários que obtiveram uma maior
incidência respectivamente foram: E. coli (145
casos), E. nana (288 casos), G. lamblia (36
casos) e E. histolytica/dispar (31 casos). Já
no grupo dos helmintos, S. mansoni (7 casos),
E. vermicularis (7 casos), A. lumbricoides
(2 casos) e por fim, T. trichiuria (1 caso). É
perceptível o alto índice de protozoários na
totalidade de amostras positivas se comparado
aos helmintos. Há evidentemente um grande
leque de opções que configuram esses altos
índices. Desde a susceptividade da população,
seja por falta de assistência médica e promoção
de saúde, a fatores educacionais.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2241914047
Palavras-chave: Enteroparasitoses; Profilaxia; Incidência; Prevenção;
Keywords: intestinal parasites; Prophylaxis; Incidence; Prevention;
The intestinal parasites, can be
given as asymptomatic in some cases or even
show damage such as intestinal obstruction,
abdominal pain, fever, nausea and even
episodes of anemia. Its mode of transmission is
varied, ranging from ingestion of contaminated
food and water, direct contact, to socioeconomic
factors. This study aimed to notify the positivity
rate of protozoa and helminths in samples in
order to draw attention to a more effective policy
on prevention of intestinal parasites. We used
the Lutz / Hoffman methodology to analyze
the samples received at the laboratory, in the
period from January to June 2018. The data
were tabulated by microsoft excel 2010 program during the first half of 2018. Among
the 3,603 samples, 517 (14 , 3%) and 3089 were positive (85.7%) negative. Among the
positive samples, 500 cases (96.7%) were positive for protozoa and only 17 (3.3%) to
helminths. The group of protozoa which had a higher incidence were respectively: E.
coli (145 cases), E. nana (288 cases), G. lamblia (36 cases) and E. histolytica / dispar
(31 cases). In the group of helminth, Schistosoma mansoni (7 cases), E. vermicularis (7
cases), Ascaris lumbricoides (2 cases) and finally, T. trichiuria (1 case). It is noticeable
the high rate of protozoa in all positive samples compared to helminths. There are of
course a wide range of options that set these high rates. Since susceptividade of the
population, either for lack of medical care and health promotion, educational factors.
The group of protozoa which had a higher incidence were respectively: E. coli (145
cases), E. nana (288 cases), G. lamblia (36 cases) and E. histolytica / dispar (31
cases). In the group of helminth, Schistosoma mansoni (7 cases), E. vermicularis (7
cases), Ascaris lumbricoides (2 cases) and finally, T. trichiuria (1 case). It is noticeable
the high rate of protozoa in all positive samples compared to helminths. There are of
course a wide range of options that set these high rates. Since susceptividade of the
population, either for lack of medical care and health promotion, educational factors.
The group of protozoa which had a higher incidence were respectively: E. coli (145
cases), E. nana (288 cases), G. lamblia (36 cases) and E. histolytica / dispar (31
cases). In the group of helminth, Schistosoma mansoni (7 cases), E. vermicularis (7
cases), Ascaris lumbricoides (2 cases) and finally, T. trichiuria (1 case). It is noticeable
the high rate of protozoa in all positive samples compared to helminths. There are
of course a wide range of options that set these high rates. Since susceptividade
of the population, either for lack of medical care and health promotion, educational
factors. vermicularis (7 cases), Ascaris lumbricoides (2 cases) and finally, T. trichiuria
(1 case). It is noticeable the high rate of protozoa in all positive samples compared to
helminths. There are of course a wide range of options that set these high rates. Since
susceptividade of the population, either for lack of medical care and health promotion,
educational factors. vermicularis (7 cases), Ascaris lumbricoides (2 cases) and finally,
T. trichiuria (1 case). It is noticeable the high rate of protozoa in all positive samples
compared to helminths. There are of course a wide range of options that set these high
rates. Since susceptividade of the population, either for lack of medical care and health
promotion, educational factors.
Número de páginas: 5
- Flávia Karen Carvalho Garcia
- Janaína Fontes Ribeiro
- Larissa Lisboa Rêgo Brito
- Marcos Emanuel Vilanova da Costa
- Leonan Oliveira de Souza
- José Hugo Romão Barbosa
- Luana Tenorio Olímpio