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O presente trabalho objetivou analisar, fornecer subsídios e atuar preventivamente junto aos estudantes sobre as consequências da maternidade precoce. O assunto teve uma abordagem interdisciplinar entre os campos da matemática, biologia e sociologia. O intuito inicial foi contextualizar o ensino de matemática/estatística para analisar e compreender situações do cotidiano. O cunho social do trabalho foi acompanhado por equipe multiprofissional, composta por estudantes, professores, assistente social e psicólogo. Os dados foram colhidos junto ao IBGE, Ministério da Saúde e Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Juazeiro do Norte. Duas escolas foram escolhidas aleatoriamente para participar da pesquisa, uma apenas de ensino fundamental outra de ensino fundamental e médio. Foram registrados 7 e 14 casos de gravidez precoce, respectivamente, nos últimos 2 anos. Desse total, 14 jovens pararam de estudar devido a maternidade não planejada. Os dados estatísticos demonstraram que as mães adolescentes têm média de idade 15,88 e moda 16 anos. Mesmo sendo um tema bastante trabalhado nas escolas, a gravidez na adolescência ainda tem registros de casos com proporções significativas e preocupantes.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9112013042

  • Palavras-chave: Educação; Maternidade precoce; Evasão escolar

  • Keywords: Education; Early motherhood; School dropout

  • Abstract:

    This study aimed to analyze, provide subsidies and act preventively with students about the consequences of early motherhood. The subject took an interdisciplinary approach between the fields of mathematics, biology and sociology. The initial purpose was to contextualize the teaching of mathematics / statistics to analyze and understand everyday situations. The social nature of the work was accompanied by a multidisciplinary team composed of students, teachers, social worker and psychologist. Data were collected from IBGE, Ministry of Health and Municipal Education Secretariat of Juazeiro do Norte. Two schools were randomly selected to participate in the research, one only from elementary school and one from elementary and high school. There were 7 and 14 cases of early pregnancy, respectively, in the last 2 years. Of this total, 14 young people stopped studying due to unplanned motherhood. Statistical data showed that teenage mothers have an average age of 15.88 and fashion 16 years. Even though it is a subject that is very well studied in schools, teenage pregnancy still has case records with significant and worrying proportions.

    This study aimed to analyze, provide subsidies and act preventively with students about the consequences of early motherhood. The subject took an interdisciplinary approach between the fields of mathematics, biology and sociology. The initial purpose was to contextualize the teaching of mathematics / statistics to analyze and understand everyday situations. The social nature of the work was accompanied by a multidisciplinary team composed of students, teachers, social worker and psychologist. Data were collected from IBGE, Ministry of Health and Municipal Education Secretariat of Juazeiro do Norte. Two schools were randomly selected to participate in the research, one only from elementary school and one from elementary and high school. There were 7 and 14 cases of early pregnancy, respectively, in the last 2 years. Of this total, 14 young people stopped studying due to unplanned motherhood. Statistical data showed that teenage mothers have an average age of 15.88 and fashion 16 years. Even though it is a subject that is very well studied in schools, teenage pregnancy still has case records with significant and worrying proportions.
    This study aimed to analyze, provide subsidies and act preventively with students about the consequences of early motherhood. The subject took an interdisciplinary approach between the fields of mathematics, biology and sociology. The initial purpose was to contextualize the teaching of mathematics / statistics to analyze and understand everyday situations. The social nature of the work was accompanied by a multidisciplinary team composed of students, teachers, social worker and psychologist. Data were collected from IBGE, Ministry of Health and Municipal Education Secretariat of Juazeiro do Norte. Two schools were randomly selected to participate in the research, one only from elementary school and one from elementary and high school. There were 7 and 14 cases of early pregnancy, respectively, in the last 2 years. Of this total, 14 young people stopped studying due to unplanned motherhood. Statistical data showed that teenage mothers have an average age of 15.88 and fashion 16 years. Even though it is a subject that is very well studied in schools, teenage pregnancy still has case records with significant and worrying proportions.

  • Número de páginas: 7

  • Maria Fernanda Sousa Oliveira
  • Elias Inácio Chavier Neto
  • Maria Débora Maciel Nunes
  • Dávila Damasceno de Macedo Pereira
  • Josefa Maria da Silva
  • Cícera Maria de Brito
  • Roberta Maria Arrais Benício
  • José Edilson Gonçalves dos Santos
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