Artigo - Atena Editora


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Implementation of Story doing and Storytelling as Techniques to Improve the Customer Journey in a Digitized Colombian Market.

Esta pesquisa explica como a implementação de Storydoing e Storytelling pode gerar que as empresas adquiram uma vantagem estratégica sobre seus concorrentes nacionais e internacionais, podendo atingir mercados globais, devido à melhor conexão com seus clientes e suporte à marca para sua forma de com o conhecimento e os valores do cliente. Deseja-se que as empresas colombianas tomem esta pesquisa como base para que possam conhecer essas estratégias, com base nos resultados obtidos e que também possam aplicá-las em suas campanhas.

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Implementation of Story doing and Storytelling as Techniques to Improve the Customer Journey in a Digitized Colombian Market.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.31022061025

  • Palavras-chave: Consumidor, marca, marketing, storydoing, storytelling.

  • Keywords: Consumer, brand, marketing, storydoing, storytelling.

  • Abstract:

    This research explains how the implementation of both Storydoing and Storytelling can generate that companies acquire a strategic advantage over their national and international competitors, being able to reach global markets, due to the better connection with their customers and support for the brand for its way of linking with the knowledge and values of the client. It is desired that Colombian companies take this research as a basis so that they can learn about these strategies, based on the results obtained and that they can also apply them in their campaigns.

  • Número de páginas: 24

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