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Hydraulic conductivity under forests, one key for water management

Hydraulic conductivity under the soil of forests is related to sub-surface flows. It sought to know these behaviors and their differences, a fact that has great importance in the water management and sustainability of basins. Experimental one-hectare areas were characterized    in forests of Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalytus globulus and natural forest   in the San Cristobal River basin, Bogota, and fifty-four inverted blast hole well trials were conducted. Sand determined the characteristic curves of the infiltration velocity    and according to them is calculated on the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The data obtained have the limitations of normal human errors in their obtaining, since these are tests carried out with very simple devices that do not represent a high degree of accuracy, a fact that is partly corrected by the significant number of tests carried out. No differences in saturation infiltration speeds were observed. It was verified that there were no significant differences in saturated hydraulic conductivity, with a probability of 0.01. It is apparent from this research that sub-surface root systems of undergrowth species can reduce hydraulic conductivity  in the sub-soil   by up to 71%    on average by the effect of air entrapment that prevents total saturation of soil pores, a fact that could influence groundwater flow and erosion processes among  others.



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Hydraulic conductivity under forests, one key for water management

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7132114102

  • Palavras-chave: sub-surface flows under forests, infiltration, water management.

  • Keywords: sub-surface flows under forests, infiltration, water management.

  • Abstract:

    Hydraulic conductivity under the soil of forests is related to sub-surface flows. It sought to know these behaviors and their differences, a fact that has great importance in the water management and sustainability of basins. Experimental one-hectare areas were characterized    in forests of Cupressus lusitanica, Eucalytus globulus and natural forest   in the San Cristobal River basin, Bogota, and fifty-four inverted blast hole well trials were conducted. Sand determined the characteristic curves of the infiltration velocity    and according to them is calculated on the saturated hydraulic conductivity. The data obtained have the limitations of normal human errors in their obtaining, since these are tests carried out with very simple devices that do not represent a high degree of accuracy, a fact that is partly corrected by the significant number of tests carried out. No differences in saturation infiltration speeds were observed. It was verified that there were no significant differences in saturated hydraulic conductivity, with a probability of 0.01. It is apparent from this research that sub-surface root systems of undergrowth species can reduce hydraulic conductivity  in the sub-soil   by up to 71%    on average by the effect of air entrapment that prevents total saturation of soil pores, a fact that could influence groundwater flow and erosion processes among  others.



  • Número de páginas: 18

  • Carlos Francisco Garcia Olmos
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