História da Conservação do Solo e a Proteção do Nosso Futuro
História da Conservação do Solo e a Proteção do Nosso Futuro
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.78823071211
Palavras-chave: Evolução histórica, Funções do solo, Ecologia, Conservação da natureza
Keywords: Historical evolution, Soil functions, Ecology, Nature conservation
Abstract: Soil is the “skin of the Earth”, our life support system, we build on the soil and build with the soil. Soil has many essential functions in several areas of life including agriculture, environmental management, nature protection, landscaping & urban utilizations. In 21st century there are increased concerns in countries and international organizations about soil health that it is considered a vital resource, non-renewable at human life time, under increased pressure of human activities that degrade it representing a risk to the continuity of our civilization. In 2023 is passing 93 years after the enactment of Soil Conservation Act in USA that is, certainly, a landmark in contemporary history of evolution in the study, the practices and the legal instruments on soil conservation. But the history began thousands of years ago in several parts of the world and diverse civilizations. The successes and failures of soil conservation determined the outcome of empires and civilizations. In this article we will travel briefly over the evolution of soil conservation from its early beginnings and empirical practices to our times and the many scientific and technological resources now at our disposal to preserve the soil and, maybe, our own societies. The historical perspective of evolution of soil conservation allows us a prospective of what might be our future.
- Manuel Teles Oliveira