Harmonia e Conflito: A Relação entre o Confucionismo e a "Arte da Guerra"
Harmonia e Conflito: A Relação entre o Confucionismo e a "Arte da Guerra"
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.39825230111
Palavras-chave: Confúcio, Arte da Guerra, Harmonia, Estratégia. Abstract
Keywords: Confucius, The Art of War, Harmony, Strategy
Abstract: This scientific article seeks to establish connections between seemingly distinct manifestations: the philosophy of Confucius And Sun Tzu'sThe Art Of War. The aim of this study is to clarify how teachings based on principles that focus on harmony and pacifism can complement theories found in a manual designed detail military tactics strategies. The analysis reveals that, although contemporaries, Confucius and writing The Art Of War Had no direct contact, yet this did not prevent them from complementary shedding light on complex issues in ethics and social morality, such as social relationships during difficult times. In thissense, it is note worthy that by juxtaposing the study of these manifestations, modern everyday issues can be re-examined in a way that links ancient theories of virtue and military art the resolution of social problems.