Gestión de las Variables de Marketing en las Mipymes del Sector Alimentos de Pamplona (Norte de Santander)
Gestión de las Variables de Marketing en las Mipymes del Sector Alimentos de Pamplona (Norte de Santander)
Palavras-chave: PMarketing, variables, Gestión, Alimentos, Mipymes.
Keywords: Marketing, variables, Management, Food Sector, MSMEs.
Abstract: According to BBVA Research (2024), in Colombia, 99.5% of companies are MSMEs and contribute 79% of the country's employment and 40% of the annual GDP, a percentage contributed by the productive sector of Pamplona, a small city where the economic cycle revolves mainly around the commerce and services sectors, generally small lodging, Internet, cafes, bakeries and food industries. The study "Marketing management in MSMEs in the food sector of Pamplona (N. de S.)" was carried out with the aim of focusing on the context of companies in the food sector in Pamplona to analyze the main marketing variables that affect them and propose viable lines of action for their growth. It was carried out with a descriptive level of research, with 239 MSMEs for which an instrument was designed, applied and analyzed, and it was also supported internally with the EFI matrix, and externally it was examined with the EFE Matrix, Porter's Five Forces Analysis and POAM Matrix; condensing the findings in the E-I matrix and SWOT matrix. The results showed a sector that in some of the variables analyzed presents greater weaknesses than strengths and greater threats than opportunities, but even so, it remains average and must apply "Retain and Maintain" strategies, "Defense" strategies, for which strategic guidelines were formulated.
- Cristian Orlando Avila Quiñones
- Cristian Orlando Avila
- Laura Teresa Tuta Ramírez
- Álvaro Parada Carvajal
- Yymmy Sydney Estévez Carvajal
- Yenny Milena Vega Monroy
- Wilquer Herney Cruz Medina