Artigo - Atena Editora


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Profissionais de saúde durante a pandemia de COVID-19 enfrentaram escassez de recursos, falta de leitos, exaustão física e mental, além do escasso conhecimento da doença. Os objetivos deste artigo são descrever a organização do cuidado aos pacientes portadores de COVID-19 em unidades de tratamento intensivo (UTI),  analisar o nível de conhecimento, atitudes e práticas dos profissionais de saúde e discutir sobre o nível de altas e óbitos. Estudo transversal descriritivo, abordagem quantitativa, com aplicação  da escala Conhecimento, Atitudes e Práticas Gestão (CAP), a enfermeiros, fisioterapeutas e médicos de quatro UTI, três na zona da mata  emineira e uma na região centro sul fluminense. Participaram do estudo 116 profissionais, a maioria enfermeiros (36,2%) e do sexo feminino (68,1%), idades entre 30-50 anos. Profissionais da UTI A apresentaram melhores resultados no cuidado e na gestão da COVID-19,  obtendo maior índice de altas (M= 0,87) e menor de óbitos (M= 0,12). Nas UTIs onde os profissionais tiveram melhor formação e gestão da pandemia, o índice de altas foi maior e o de óbitos menor. Na pandemia de COVID-19, gestores e profissionais de saúde tiveram que buscar condições para um cuidado adequado dos pacientes.
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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: COVID-19; Profissionais de Saúde; Cuidados Intensivos

  • Keywords: Covid-19; Health Personnel; Critical Care

  • Abstract: Health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic faced a shortage of resources, lack of beds, physical and mental exhaustion, in addition to limited knowledge of the disease. The objective of this article is analyze care management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Intensive Care Units (ICU) and correlate it with the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of health professionals. Descriptive cross-sectional study, applying the Knowledge, Attitudes and Management Practices (CAP) scale to nurses, physiotherapists and doctors from four ICUs, three in the Mata zone of Minas Gerais and one in the central south region of Rio de Janeiro. A total of 116 professionals participated in the study, nurses (36.2%) and female (68.1%), aged between 30-50 years. ICU A professionals showed better results in the care and management of COVID-19, obtaining a higher rate of discharges (M= 0.87) and a lower rate of deaths (M= 0.12).  In ICUs where professionals had better training and pandemic management, the discharge rate was higher and the death rate was lower. In the COVID-19 pandemic, managers and health professionals had to seek conditions for adequate patient care.Health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic faced a shortage of resources, lack of beds, physical and mental exhaustion, in addition to limited knowledge of the disease. The objective of this article is analyze care management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Intensive Care Units (ICU) and correlate it with the level of knowledge, attitudes and practices of health professionals. Descriptive cross-sectional study, applying the Knowledge, Attitudes and Management Practices (CAP) scale to nurses, physiotherapists and doctors from four ICUs, three in the Mata zone of Minas Gerais and one in the central south region of Rio de Janeiro. A total of 116 professionals participated in the study, nurses (36.2%) and female (68.1%), aged between 30-50 years. ICU A professionals showed better results in the care and management of COVID-19, obtaining a higher rate of discharges (M= 0.87) and a lower rate of deaths (M= 0.12).  In ICUs where professionals had better training and pandemic management, the discharge rate was higher and the death rate was lower. In the COVID-19 pandemic, managers and health professionals had to seek conditions for adequate patient care.

  • Mariangela Aparecida Gonçalves Figueiredo
  • Mariangela Figueiredo
  • Margarida Maria Donato dos Santos
  • Elenir Pereira de Paiva
  • Marcélia Barezzi Barbosa
  • Karina da Silva
  • Marina dos Reis Abreu
  • Sebastião Jorge da Cunha Gonçalves
  • Elídia Luciana da Silva
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