Formação de Professores e Trabalho Docente
Formação de Professores e Trabalho Docente
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.10823101017
Palavras-chave: Formação de Professores; Trabalho Docente; História de Vida.
Keywords: Teacher Training; Teaching Work; Life's history.
Abstract: The work that is unveiled, deals with a bibliographical research, where we aimed to present in a succinct way, questions about history, pedagogical trends, emphasizing social critical pedagogy, which the contents taught by teachers are studied in the light of the historical-social context in which are inserted. In this active methodology, the stories of complete and topical lives of the participating subjects deserve to be highlighted. From this perspective, seeing the subjects in their subjectivity, but without losing sight of their interaction with the social context, as a political citizen, who makes history. Studies such as Pimenta (1996) F. Imbernón (2000), Pimentel (1993) Nóvoa (1991) Coutinho (2017), among others, which helped us to give the methodological rigor that scientific research requires, in addition to being essential for the fabrication of problematizations about the object, due to the scope and social relevance of the work under construction, we highlight the continuous need for teacher training to innovate their pedagogical practice with knowledge that serves as a foundation for the formation of future masters. A recurring need, according to Imbernón (2000, p. 5), because “The teacher must be requalified as a professional and as a protagonist”. This requalification must include the rational modification of teacher training, the substantial improvement of their working conditions and the elimination of technical control mechanisms, in a way that strengthens their autonomy and values their practice.