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Finding repeater placement for P2P wireless links with NLOS in extremely mountainous regions


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Finding repeater placement for P2P wireless links with NLOS in extremely mountainous regions

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4981908076

  • Palavras-chave: ATENA

  • Keywords: Wireless backhaul network, rural zones, repeaters placement, digital elevation map.

  • Abstract:

     backhaul network consisting of

    p2p microwave links is the most cost-effective

    solution for rural Internet access, however, it can

    be a challenging design because the extreme

    mountainous geographical conditions make the

    links have Non-line out sight (NLOS) and be

    necessary the use of repeaters. Many relays

    can be implemented to overcome this difficulty.

    To the best of my knowledge, it does not exist

    an approach to finding the suboptimal repeaters

    placement in a computational way. This paper

    proposes the form to construct a cost function

    that represents the problem described before,

    and a genetic algorithm is implemented to find

    its local minimum at different scenarios.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Alvaro Javier Ortega
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