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Fan‘s commitment to sport team: A case study of FC Barcelona


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Fan‘s commitment to sport team: A case study of FC Barcelona

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3222326069

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: psychological commitment, FC Barcelona, marketing, fans’ commitment, sport management

  • Abstract:

    In recent years, due to the impact of the pandemic restrictions, the number of
    people watching live sports events has plummeted, coupled with various factors
    such as the transfer of major stars and the drop in team performance, Barcelona's
    average attendance has decreased, the number of lost supporters has been
    remarkable and the psychological commitment of fans has been significantly
    affected. Based on the existing research model, this paper summarizes six factors
    that influence fans' psychological commitment, and then introduces psychological
    commitment as an outcome variable to build a conceptual model of the
    psychological commitment of FC Barcelona fans, which is used to study the
    magnitude of the influence of the six different factors.

    Data from FC Barcelona supporters were collected and the results indicated
    significant positive effects of personal identity, affective commitment, resource
    cost, psychological cost and regional tribalism on fans' psychological commitment.
    Finally, based on the development situation of FC Barcelona, we present
    suggestions and management insights on how to improve brand effectiveness,
    enhance brand building, and stabilize the psychological commitment of fans,
    providing theoretical and practical guidance for its future operation and

  • Maria Pilar Aparicio Chueca
  • M.L. Solé-Moro
  • X. Triadó-Ivern
  • Y. Wu
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