Estudo de emissão de gases poluentes na atmosfera devido a fabricação de células fotovoltaicas na produção de placas solares
Estudo de emissão de gases poluentes na atmosfera devido a fabricação de células fotovoltaicas na produção de placas solares
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0852316102
Palavras-chave: Emissão de gases; Células fotovoltaicas; Energia limpa;
Keywords: Gases emission; photovoltaic cell; clean energy;
Abstract: This research will discuss the emission of polluting gases in the atmosphere, due by fabrication of solar panels, having to consider the demand for clean energy and the UN agenda, in addition the demographic grow (globally, not Brazilian only) and the increase in electricity consumption. This article aims to discuss the environmental impacts caused by the large-scale fabrication of the solar panels through qualitative bibliographical research, using published articles in online platforms and concludes that the component of the solar panels pollutes which the most is the photovoltaic cell or solar cell. The gas emission already mentioned comes from the process of cell’s fabrication, where semiconductor materials, such as silicon, from silica, become necessary. The review exposes that, to achieve polychrystalline silicon it is necessary to use chemical reactors that heat the material to temperatures higher than 1900º Celsius, leading the formation of the polluting gases onto the atmosphere.
- Giovanni Leão Santos Rabelo de Jesus
- Ralph Barbosa Rodrigues