Especulação imobiliária e a “galponização” da forma espacial em cidades médias: um estudo de caso em Vitória de Santo Antão-PE
Especulação imobiliária e a “galponização” da forma espacial em cidades médias: um estudo de caso em Vitória de Santo Antão-PE
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1982330105
Palavras-chave: produção do espaço; cidades médias; reestruturação produtiva; auto-organização; Vitória de Santo Antão.
Keywords: production of space; medium-sized cities; productive restructuring; self-organization; Vitória de Santo Antão.
Abstract: Productive restructuring and the reorganization of the social and territorial division of labour have largely transformed the importance and growth momentum of medium-sized cities. The real estate economic sector and the related construction industry, directly interconnected and active in this process of spatial growth in medium-sized cities, are rapidly restructuring the configuration of spatial forms in these emerging urban landscapes, as well as the socio-economic conditions of use and occupation in these urban spaces. This study sought to analyze the process of backward expansion of spatial form in pre-fabricated warehouse buildings in the city of Vitória de Santo Antão. To achieve this exploratory goal, a dialogical approach was taken between the theoretical-methodological framework of critical geography and the basic concepts of Complexity Theory - positive feedback, self-organization and systemic adaptation. A literature review was carried out on the process of producing urban space, productive restructuring, the city and the economy as complex systems and the new dynamics of urbanization with the emergence of medium-sized cities. Field observations, photographic records and unstructured interviews were also carried out. We observed a process of self-organization between industrial construction agents specializing in the manufacture of this type of building, real estate developers and local land capital, in the accelerated spatial (re)production of these structures, pre-molded warehouses, for the real estate sales and/or rental market, especially for business establishments: industry, commerce and services. In this exploratory research, we found that this model of real estate development is the result of a logic of real estate and urban land speculation based on the comparative advantages of this production circuit, offered by the form-function of the unique infrastructure of pre-molded warehouses. As a result, the city's urban landscape and its rapid expansion has taken on a particularly homogenized and generic utilitarian characteristic of its spatial form in the process of "galponization" of the production of space.
- Leonardo Alves Leite dos Santos
- Rodrigo Dutra Gomes