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ESL strategies: bibliometric analysis through scientific mapping in Wos and Scopus and network analysis.


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ESL strategies: bibliometric analysis through scientific mapping in Wos and Scopus and network analysis.

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3222326068

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: language teaching, Bilingual education, Foreign languages, International languages.

  • Abstract:

    The field of language learning strategies has been growing
    interest in students who tend to recall them to learn more
    effectively and faster a language. In some cases, learning a
    language causes traumas and not knowing how to control the
    anxiety, follow motivation and keep up with the task can be
    overwhelming. In this review, the most frequently used strategies
    in language learning have been examined. The articles reviewed
    were from 2000 until 2022 across two databases, Scopus and
    Wos. The methodology used in the review was bibliometric
    analysis. From the review, it was found that students use their
    language learning strategies according to their language level and
    the skills they try to master. More studies should cover this area in
    order to start applying common and useful strategies in regular

  • Edith Grande Triviño
  • Ana Milena Morales
  • Julian Urrea
  • Adriana Bendek
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