Electricidad y electrónica industrial; módulo de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial en el TECNM, campus Veracruz, preparado a través del aprendizaje colaborativo.
Electricidad y electrónica industrial; módulo de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial en el TECNM, campus Veracruz, preparado a través del aprendizaje colaborativo.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.7302402026
Palavras-chave: proceso de - aprendizaje colaborativo, dinamización, modelo didáctico, tareas docentes.
Keywords: process of -collaborative learning, dynamization, didactic model, teaching tasks
Abstract: Understanding what an educational project is implies identifying a problem, its causes and consequences and, based on this, planning a process to achieve the objective that totally or partially solves it. This process involves from the selection of the problem, its treatment and the presentation of the results report: conception, planning, formulation of actions, implementation and evaluation. Collaborative learning is the instance of learning that takes place through the participation of two or more individuals in the search for information, or in the exploration aimed at achieving a better understanding or shared understanding of a concept, problem or situation. (Scagnoli, 2005). Thus, in the field of Electricity and Industrial Electronics that is taught in the Industrial Engineering career, everything related to the field of collaborative learning has been used, so that all the students in the group elaborated the textbook for the module, complying with the Official program of the career approved by the National Technological Institute of Mexico. In this order of ideas, Leidner and Jarvenpaa (1995) point out that collaborative learning, in addition to helping to develop critical thinking in students, also contributes to improving interpersonal relationships, since it implies that each member learns to listen. , discern and communicate their ideas or opinions to others with a positive and constructivist approach. On the other hand, Barab, Thomas and Merrill (2001) refer to collaborative learning, as the construction of meaning that results from sharing personal experiences. These authors insist that virtual environments help educational models to be more participatory, and expand opportunities for research, communication, and distribution of knowledge.
- Miguel Angel Quiroz García
- Maricarmen Arana Altamirano
- Alma Genoveva Castro Valdės
- Alejandro Zavaleta Bordonave
- Jennifer Linnea Gutiérrez León