El trabajo transdisciplinario en el TecNM para el desarrollo y transformación de las microregiones.
El trabajo transdisciplinario en el TecNM para el desarrollo y transformación de las microregiones.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.8332419066
Palavras-chave: Investigacion Accion Participativa, Infraestructura sustentable,Transdisciplinariedad
Keywords: Participatory Action Research, Sustainable infrastructure, Transdisciplinarity
Abstract: This text is part of the products of a transdisciplinary investigation carried out at the Technological Institute of Tlaxiaco and whose intention is to publicize the work carried out that left an experience in research training for all participants who had the personal will and academic responsibility. to collaborate. In its Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology, it was possible to identify, classify and categorize the potentials of a microregion in the Oaxacan Mixteca classified as highly marginalized but with ancestral cultural and natural riches. Through the Transdisciplinary approach, the academy defined projects of the research line “Applications of Civil Engineering”, assigned disciplinary academic resources of the 6 careers based on the philosophical, academic and organizational dimensions of the current Educational Model that establishes priority for the groups vulnerable in the environment of the teaching-learning process. Multidisciplinary agreements were reached with students who play dual roles, as a learning subject of the Institution and as citizens in the community. Official agreements, including inter-institutional agreements, were established with the municipal authorities, and meetings were held with community commissioners, ejidal communities and cooperative societies made up of teachers with academic and management roles of the Institute. The results, benefits and achievements of the project are distributed in a fair and supportive manner. The community is the object of study of the Institution and subject of development to increase the level of well-being of its inhabitants
- Sadrac Antonio Jimenez
- Dolores Ramos Salazar
- Omar Jiménez Márquez