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El sistema mixto de partidos y de candidaturas independientes en la Constitución y en la legislación mexicanas

El modelo electoral mexicano que combina sistema de partidos políticos con candidaturas independientes o no postuladas por partidos políticos, ha significado una apertura de los derechos político-electorales de los ciudadanos y la ampliación del paradigma de la democracia participativa.

El régimen de candidaturas independientes para acceder a cargos de elección popular, que aplica para todos los cargos de elección popular –para los legislativos y para los gobiernos municipales, para gobernadores de las entidades federativas y para Presidente de la República, requiere examinarse conjuntamente con el sistema de partidos políticos y el sistema electoral previstos en la Constitución mexicana.

La crisis de credibilidad en los partidos políticos y en los ocupantes de los cargos de elección popular emanados de ellos, y la sensación de los ciudadanos de que no son representados por éstos últimos, y que generó el reclamo por una auténtica representación democrática, abrió el camino, desde el año 2012, a las candidaturas independientes, cuya garantía de participación en la contienda electoral ha sido establecida en la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

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El sistema mixto de partidos y de candidaturas independientes en la Constitución y en la legislación mexicanas

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1852215123

  • Palavras-chave: sistema electoral, sistema de partidos, candidaturas independientes

  • Keywords: electoral system; party system; independent candidacies.

  • Abstract:

    2012, to independent candidates, whose guarantee of participation in the electoral contest has been established in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.2012, to independent candidates, whose guarantee of participation in the electoral contest has been established in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.The Mexican electoral model that combines a system of political parties with independent candidacies or those not nominated by political parties, has meant an opening of the political-electoral rights of citizens and the expansion of the paradigm of participatory democracy. The regime of independent candidates for access to popularly elected office, which applies to all popularly elected positions – for legislative and municipal governments, for governors of the federative entities and for the President of the Republic – requires a joint examination with the system of political parties and the electoral system provided for in the Mexican Constitution. The crisis of credibility in the political parties and in the occupants of the positions of popular election emanating from them, and the feeling of the citizens that they are not represented by the latter, and that generated the demand for an authentic democratic representation, opened the way, from the year ...The Mexican electoral model that combines a system of political parties with independent candidacies or those not nominated by political parties, has meant an opening of the political-electoral rights of citizens and the expansion of the paradigm of participatory democracy. The regime of independent candidates for access to popularly elected office, which applies to all popularly elected positions – for legislative and municipal governments, for governors of the federative entities and for the President of the Republic – requires a joint examination with the system of political parties and the electoral system provided for in the Mexican Constitution. The crisis of credibility in the political parties and in the occupants of the positions of popular election emanating from them, and the feeling of the citizens that they are not represented by the latter, and that generated the demand for an authentic democratic representation, opened the way, from the year ...The Mexican electoral model that combines a system of political parties with independent candidacies or those not nominated by political parties, has meant an opening of the political-electoral rights of citizens and the expansion of the paradigm of participatory democracy. The regime of independent candidates for access to popularly elected office, which applies to all popularly elected positions – for legislative and municipal governments, for governors of the federative entities and for the President of the Republic – requires a joint examination with the system of political parties and the electoral system provided for in the Mexican Constitution. The crisis of credibility in the political parties and in the occupants of the positions of popular election emanating from them, and the feeling of the citizens that they are not represented by the latter, and that generated the demand for an authentic democratic representation, opened the way, from the year ...The Mexican electoral model that combines a system of political parties with independent candidacies or those not nominated by political parties, has meant an opening of the political-electoral rights of citizens and the expansion of the paradigm of participatory democracy. The regime of independent candidates for access to popularly elected office, which applies to all popularly elected positions – for legislative and municipal governments, for governors of the federative entities and for the President of the Republic – requires a joint examination with the system of political parties and the electoral system provided for in the Mexican Constitution. The crisis of credibility in the political parties and in the occupants of the positions of popular election emanating from them, and the feeling of the citizens that they are not represented by the latter, and that generated the demand for an authentic democratic representation, opened the way, from the year ...The Mexican electoral model that combines a system of political parties with independent candidacies or those not nominated by political parties, has meant an opening of the political-electoral rights of citizens and the expansion of the paradigm of participatory democracy. The regime of independent candidates for access to popularly elected office, which applies to all popularly elected positions – for legislative and municipal governments, for governors of the federative entities and for the President of the Republic – requires a joint examination with the system of political parties and the electoral system provided for in the Mexican Constitution. The crisis of credibility in the political parties and in the occupants of the positions of popular election emanating from them, and the feeling of the citizens that they are not represented by the latter, and that generated the demand for an authentic democratic representation, opened the way, from the year ...The Mexican electoral model that combines a system of political parties with independent candidacies or those not nominated by political parties, has meant an opening of the political-electoral rights of citizens and the expansion of the paradigm of participatory democracy. The regime of independent candidates for access to popularly elected office, which applies to all popularly elected positions – for legislative and municipal governments, for governors of the federative entities and for the President of the Republic – requires a joint examination with the system of political parties and the electoral system provided for in the Mexican Constitution. The crisis of credibility in the political parties and in the occupants of the positions of popular election emanating from them, and the feeling of the citizens that they are not represented by the latter, and that generated the demand for an authentic democratic representation, opened the way, from the year  2012, to independent candidates, whose guarantee of participation in the electoral contest has been established in the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States....

  • Stephanie Guerrero Ramírez
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