DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.0782317104
Palavras-chave: Educación Inclusiva, Barreras para el Aprendizaje y la Participación, Formación Docente.
Keywords: Inclusive Education, Barriers to Learning and Participation, Teacher Training.
Abstract: Education in Mexico is a great responsibility for all teachers and even more so for the special education teacher, since over time the education provided to the population vulnerable to exclusion has been an element of concern, not only because of the impact of respect for diversity, rather due to the way in which society recognizes it and the demands placed on it. The correct way to achieve inclusive education is precisely through the training of highly trained, committed and inclusive future teachers. In this sense, the future teacher must be an agent that promotes inclusion, transforms the excluding cultures and practices that still prevail. The future teacher for inclusive education can be had through the training of future teachers in normal schools, who are committed to achieving excellence and educational quality. Inclusive education faces challenges and demands and one of them is teacher training, in this sense the 48th International Conference on Education and specifically on inclusive education mentions that the path to the future UNESCO, (2008), is to identify the training teaching as a key area for the future teacher. 3 Achieving meaningful learning for girls and boys who face barriers to learning and participation associated primarily with a disability is one of the most challenging experiences a special education teacher can experience. Therefore, the difficulties that girls and boys present in their learning should be experienced as challenges, and not as obstacles. Responding to these specific needs contributes to the future teacher in their training process achieving the graduation profile. through an inclusive approach.
- Luis Antonio Rabadán Miranda
- Laritssa Solis Delgado