El cansancio pedagógico en la sociedad del conocimiento. Tribulaciones en la pérdida del ser docente
El cansancio pedagógico en la sociedad del conocimiento. Tribulaciones en la pérdida del ser docente
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1012325098
Palavras-chave: pedagogia, síndrome de Burnout, conocimiento, universidad, docente
Keywords: pedagogy, Burnout Syndrom, knowledge, university, professor.
Abstract: This paper aims to estimulate a reflective dialogue about the problem of pedagogical fatigue of the university professor of the 21 st century in the Latin American context and, especially, in Ecuador. Starting from an analysis of the literatura, the analysis is organized through some questions that address some aspects: a) the mental health of the teacher; b) the search for truth in the knorledge society; c) the new roles of the teacher in the digital educational context. Throughout the text, alarming data is revealed about the emotional exhaustation that university teachers go through in their professional perfomance, due to the conditions of personal and work demands, taking Burnout Syndrome as a symptomatic reference. The en of education in the hyperinformation era and the role of the teacher in the face of an increasingly depersonalized student subject are questioned. Finally, the dissertation leads to ptomoting joint actions for the reconstruction of being teachers, in its fundamnetal identity and with an emphasis on health and emotional well-being.
- Ledys Hernández Chacón