Eficácia e Segurança dos Surfactantes no Tratamento da Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório em Neonatos Prematuros: Uma Revisão de Literatura
Eficácia e Segurança dos Surfactantes no Tratamento da Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório em Neonatos Prematuros: Uma Revisão de Literatura
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.3882510033
Palavras-chave: Surfactante, terapia, prematuro
Keywords: Surfactant, therapy, premature
Abstract: Surfactant is a crucial substance produced by the lungs that reduces surface tension in the alveoli, keeping them open and facilitating breathing. In premature newborns, insufficient surfactant production leads to Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), a critical condition that impairs breathing and can result in severe complications. Administering exogenous surfactant is an effective intervention to improve respiratory function and reduce mortality and morbidity associated with RDS. Clinical surfactants are categorized into natural (derived from bovine or porcine lungs) and synthetic (formulated to mimic natural surfactant). Both types have shown significant efficacy. Surfactant therapy decreases mortality, incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and the need for mechanical ventilation, enhancing lung function and long-term development. The safety profile is generally favorable, with minimally invasive techniques improving treatment effectiveness.
- Ana Clara Félix Ferreira De Souza
- Ramon Fraga De Souza Lima