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Educação Física na Escola e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular: Apontamentos para Procedimentos no Ensino de Práticas Corporais

A Base Nacional Comum Curricular

(BNCC) se constitui como documento oficial

para a organização dos currículos da Educação

Básica de todas as escolas brasileiras. Visto isso,

o problema norteador do estudo em questão foi:

quais os procedimentos didáticos-pedagógicos

podem ser utilizados para o ensino de práticas

corporais nas aulas de Educação Física tendo

como referencial a BNCC? A partir dos princípios

orientadores apontados pela terceira versão da

BNCC (2017), e considerando as dimensões

de conhecimento propostos pela área, teve-se

como objetivo geral deste estudo a construção

de procedimentos didático-pedagógicos para

o ensino de duas unidades temáticas das

práticas corporais como conteúdos nas aulas de

Educação Física escolar: a) Esporte - Futebol

Americano; e b) Dança - Danças Urbanas/HipHop. As aulas foram ministradas em turmas de

nono ano do Ensino Fundamental II e todas as

aulas foram registradas em Diário de Campo,

e posteriormente analisadas, tendo como

referências as dimensões de conhecimento

propostos pela Base Nacional Comum Curricular

para a Educação Física. 

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Educação Física na Escola e a Base Nacional Comum Curricular: Apontamentos para Procedimentos no Ensino de Práticas Corporais

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.70519300520

  • Palavras-chave: Base Nacional Comum Curricular; Educação Física; Dança; Esporte.

  • Keywords: The National Curricular Common Base (BNCC) is an official document for the organization of Basic Education curricula of all Brazilian schools. Given this, the guiding problem of the study in question was: which didactic-pedagogical procedures can be used to teach corporal practices in Physical Education classes with reference to BNCC? Based on the guiding principles pointed out by BNCC (2017)’s third summer, and considering the dimensions of knowledge proposed by the area, the general objective of this study was the construction of didactic-pedagogical procedures for the teaching of two thematic units of corporal practices as contents in the classes of Physical Education school: a) Sport - American Football; and b) Dance - Urban / Hip-Hop Dances. The classes were taught in ninth grade classes of Elementary School II and all classes were registered in a Field Journal, where they were later analyzed, Formação Docente: Princípios e Fundamentos 3 Capítulo 20 216 having as reference the knowledge dimensions proposed by the National Curricular Common Base for Physical Education.

  • Abstract:

    The National Curricular Common

    Base (BNCC) is an official document for the

    organization of Basic Education curricula of

    all Brazilian schools. Given this, the guiding

    problem of the study in question was: which

    didactic-pedagogical procedures can be used to

    teach corporal practices in Physical Education

    classes with reference to BNCC? Based on the

    guiding principles pointed out by BNCC (2017)’s

    third summer, and considering the dimensions

    of knowledge proposed by the area, the general

    objective of this study was the construction of

    didactic-pedagogical procedures for the teaching

    of two thematic units of corporal practices as

    contents in the classes of Physical Education

    school: a) Sport - American Football; and b)

    Dance - Urban / Hip-Hop Dances. The classes

    were taught in ninth grade classes of Elementary

    School II and all classes were registered in a

    Field Journal, where they were later analyzed, 

    having as reference the knowledge dimensions proposed by the National Curricular

    Common Base for Physical Education.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Hitalo Cardoso Toledo
  • José Augusto Victória Palma
  • Ângela Pereira Teixeira Victória Palma
  • Yasmin Dolores Lopes
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