Educação Empreendedora em Psicologia – Carreira e o Impacto da Inovação e Tecnologia
Educação Empreendedora em Psicologia – Carreira e o Impacto da Inovação e Tecnologia
Palavras-chave: Educação Empreendedora; Carreira; Inovação; Psicologia
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Education, Career, Innovation, Psychology
Abstract: Deciding for a profession these days, with a certain astonishment of artificial intelligence (AI), has been a considerable challenge for young people who are going to reach universities. The professions of the future and what will happen to the current ones are questions with few answers. The present study seeks to insert Entrepreneurship as a career option and the challenges of higher education institutions in conducting this competence, which can be developed, which justifies the objective defined here, to collect data on the perception of students of an undergraduate course, in the case of Psychology, about this world in transformation, and to what extent entrepreneurship and technology are inserted in their career concerns.
- Carlos Roberto de Oliveira
- Daty Costa de Souza
- Fábio Emmerich Mossini