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A educação ambiental visa

estabelecer um equilíbrio entre sociedade e

natureza, de forma que os cidadãos se tornem

conscientes de suas atitudes. A abordagem

interdisciplinar é fundamental para interligar

várias competências de forma coesa e

acessível para todos. Nesse sentido esse

trabalho busca promover a sensibilização

da comunidade escolar para a prática da

reutilização e reciclagem; destacando sua

importância para o meio ambiente. A pesquisa

foi desenvolvida com 47 alunos do 6º ano do

Ensino Fundamental de uma escola privada do

município de Ananindeua, e teve um caráter

qualitativo; e contou com apresentações de

palestras e jogos lúdicos. Para compreender o

conceito que os alunos possuíam a respeito do

meio ambiente, foi demonstrado um jogo online

chamado Sábio, que destacava a importância

de se preservar o meio ambiente com ações

do cotidiano. Posteriormente foi requerido

as reflexões socioambientais desenvolvidas

pelos alunos, como forma de estimular

argumentações e ideias sobre o assunto

em questão. Verificou-se que as crianças

participantes das atividades, em sua maioria

tiveram dificuldade em se enxergar como parte

do meio ambiente, o que indica que há uma

demanda a ser trabalhada nas escolas, pois a

escola exerce um papel fundamental de agente

transformador na formação dos cidadãos.

Conclui-se que a diversidade de ensino contribui

para a sensibilização ambiental, pois os alunos

absorvem os ensinamentos repassados de

maneira estimulantes e criativas. Os resultados

obtidos foram considerados satisfatórios,

pois os alunos participaram ativamente das

atividades propostas, tornando-se replicadores

dos conhecimentos adquiridos.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.46119011013

  • Palavras-chave: Educação ambiental. Ensino Fundamental. Interdisciplinaridade.

  • Keywords: Environmental education aims at establishing a balance between society and nature, so that citizens become aware of their attitudes. The interdisciplinary approach is key to linking multiple competencies cohesively and accessible to all. In this sense, this work seeks to promote the sensitization of the school community to the practice of reuse and recycling; highlighting its importance for the environment. The research was developed with 47 students of the 6th grade of Elementary School of a private school in the municipality of Ananindeua, and had a qualitative character; and featured presentations of lectures and games. In order to understand the concept students had about the environment, an online game called Sábio was demonstrated, which emphasized the importance of preserving the environment with everyday actions. Subsequently, the socio-environmental reflections developed by the students were requested as a way of stimulating arguments and ideas on the subject in question. It was verified that the children who participated in the activities, most of them had difficulty seeing themselves as part of the environment, which indicates that there is a demand to be worked in schools, since the school plays a fundamental role as a transforming agent in the formation of citizens. It is concluded that teaching diversity contributes to environmental awareness, as students absorb the lessons learned in a stimulating and creative way. The results were considered satisfactory, since the students participated actively in the proposed activities, becoming replicators of the acquired knowledge.

  • Abstract:

    Environmental education aims at establishing a balance between society

    and nature, so that citizens become aware of their attitudes. The interdisciplinary

    approach is key to linking multiple competencies cohesively and accessible to all. In

    this sense, this work seeks to promote the sensitization of the school community to

    the practice of reuse and recycling; highlighting its importance for the environment.

    The research was developed with 47 students of the 6th grade of Elementary School

    of a private school in the municipality of Ananindeua, and had a qualitative character;

    and featured presentations of lectures and games. In order to understand the concept

    students had about the environment, an online game called Sábio was demonstrated,

    which emphasized the importance of preserving the environment with everyday actions.

    Subsequently, the socio-environmental reflections developed by the students were

    requested as a way of stimulating arguments and ideas on the subject in question.

    It was verified that the children who participated in the activities, most of them had

    difficulty seeing themselves as part of the environment, which indicates that there is

    a demand to be worked in schools, since the school plays a fundamental role as a

    transforming agent in the formation of citizens. It is concluded that teaching diversity

    contributes to environmental awareness, as students absorb the lessons learned in

    a stimulating and creative way. The results were considered satisfactory, since the

    students participated actively in the proposed activities, becoming replicators of the

    acquired knowledge.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Verena Cristina Ribeiro Cavalcante
  • Andrea Cristina Rodrigues de Souza
  • Janise Maria Monteiro Rodrigues Viana
  • Ney Cristina Oliveira
  • Nayla Gonçalves da Silva
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