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capa do ebook Economic viability of a citrus production unit in the city of Liberato Salzano in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

Economic viability of a citrus production unit in the city of Liberato Salzano in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil


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Economic viability of a citrus production unit in the city of Liberato Salzano in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.8691926041

  • Palavras-chave: atena

  • Keywords: citrus, varieties, market, cost, price.

  • Abstract:

    A production cost survey for the

    2015/16 crop season was carried out on a 24.5

    ha farm within Liberato Salzano city, where dualpurpose

    oranges are produced. The operation

    also produces varieties oranges and tangerines

    for the fresh market. Data was obtained by

    communicating with the producer directly and

    with the help of local extension organization,

    Emater. Price received for the fresh market

    fruit was R$ 0.90 per kg, which is double the

    price received for the fruit sold for the juice

    processing industry (R$ 0.47 per kg). Orange

    for processing was sold at a local association

    of citrus growers with certified FAIR TRADE to

    market juice concentrate to European countries

    with a price higher than the international

    market of juices. Operating estimated cost per

    hectare was R$ 1,200. 56 (US$ 4,119.12) and

    the gross margin was R$ 5,433.40 / ha (US$

    18,641.99/ ha). For every R$ 1.00 invested in

    citrus the return was R$ 4.50. This analysis

    also considered the Pro-labore expenses of the

    three people working on the property and the

    opportunity cost for the 24.5 hectares cultivated

    with citrus. This operation yielded an annual

    income of R$ 78,024.91 and an income of R$

    3,184.69 per hectare per year. The study of

    this property, which is characterized as a family

    production unit, showed that citrus cultivation

    was profitable, even when considering the cost

    of the family’s own labor and also the opportunity

    cost of the land

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Paulo de Tarso Lima Teixeira
  • Luis Pedro Hillesheim
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