Ditaduras: Ontem e Hoje
Ditaduras: Ontem e Hoje
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.643132408111
Palavras-chave: Ditaduras; Antiguidade; Contemporaneidade; Continuidades.
Keywords: Dictatorships; Antique; Contemporary; Continuities.
Abstract: Dictatorships have always existed, from antiquity to the present day. And this continuity occurs through ideologies - which claim to be for the good of the nation - but which, in practice, only serve the interests of a group or a dictator. The reasons are the most diverse: to avoid communism or to implement it. Dictatorships have always existed, from antiquity to the present day. And this continuity occurs through ideologies - which claim to be for the good of the nation - but which, in practice, only serve the interests of a group or a dictator. The reasons are the most diverse: to avoid communism or to implement it.