DIREITOS SOCIAIS E A REALOCAÇÃO DOS RECURSOS PÚBLICOS: O impacto da COVID-19 na tomada de decisão no Brasil
DIREITOS SOCIAIS E A REALOCAÇÃO DOS RECURSOS PÚBLICOS: O impacto da COVID-19 na tomada de decisão no Brasil
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2412308084
Palavras-chave: Direitos Sociais. Recursos Públicos. COVID-19. Brasil.
Keywords: Social Rights. Public Resources. COVID-19. Brazil.
Abstract: The study aims to analyze the performance of the State in the realization of social rights through the use of public resources in Brazil, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic period in the years 2021 and 2022, analyzing public policies and the exercise of citizenship, in the light of the provisions enshrined in the Magna Carta. Thus, the work aims to verify the decision-making of the public power in the pandemic interval having as a guiding question of the research: The emergence of COVID-19 in Brazil caused the limitation of social rights, implying the recrudescence of inequalities and the impediment of the exercise of citizenship? Based on this questioning, the research was developed using the deductive method, adopting the technique of bibliographic research in doctrine and scientific journals. It was verified through the study that the COVID-19 pandemic evidenced the social differences in Brazil, through the fundamental rights conflicted with each other. Identifying, from this, a reallocation of resources in the period, as in health and education, considering that the health emergency brought the prioritization of the right to life.
- Jairo de Carvalho Guimarães
- Andréia Nádia Lima de Sousa Pessoa
- Cláudio Pessoa Lima
- Danielle Maria da Costa Marques Sampaio
- Raniely Araújo Silva Moraes
- Faélem da Silva Nascimento
- Cristina Santos Freitas
- Karla Vianna Azevedo de Oliveira