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Deu a louca no museu

O artigo escrito em co-autoria trata de um relato de experiência sobre uma disciplina eletiva em escola de tempo integral no estado de Goiás (GO) e aborda também discussões teórico-metodológicas com embasamento nas legislações que regem a criação e organização das escolas de Tempo Integral no Brasil.

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Deu a louca no museu

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.43020151224

  • Palavras-chave: História, Educação, Ensino

  • Keywords: Full-time school. History. Memory. Museum. Education

  • Abstract:

    In this article, we discuss an experience report on the discipline “Crazy at the museum” worked over a semester in a full-time school, called Centro de Ensino integral (CEPIs) in the city of Goiânia (Goiás, Brazil). The consolidation of full-time school in Brazil dates back to the 1980s, a time when the country was experiencing a process of political re-democratization. We present a concept of a full-time school and then a theoretical analysis of the institution of CEPIs in the state of Goiás, based on Brazil legal regulations. The full-time school in Goiás aims to produce positive impacts on the quality of education. Subsequently we approach the discipline with its discussions, assembly, planning and execution, whose culmination was the assembly of a museum where we seek to describe the educational work developed within the scope of the full-time school. The experience lived by the students can contribute to the expansion of human formation, in the sense of producing culture, socializing what has been produced historically.

  • Número de páginas: 14

  • Marina Ferreira de Souza Antunes
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