Design of a Selective Flotation System for a Cu-Zn ore, Associated to High Pyrite-Pyrrhotite Contents (>25%)
La acidez desarrollada durante la molienda de la mena demanda una excesiva cantidad de cal, lo que motivo a mezclar la mena con jales de presa antigua los cuales contienen 14-15% de caliza. Los grados de concentrados obtenidos fueron aceptables: 25% Cu y 54.38%Zn, no así las recuperaciones, las cuales deben mejorarse. La actividad de la pirrotita durante el proceso de flotación, considera su remoción aprovechando su alta susceptibilidad magnética.
Design of a Selective Flotation System for a Cu-Zn ore, Associated to High Pyrite-Pyrrhotite Contents (>25%)
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4132112113
Palavras-chave: Flotación selectiva de una Cu-Zn, alto contenido de pirrotita
Keywords: selective flotation Cu-Zn ore, high pyrrhotite
Abstract: The scheme of selective flotation of a Cu-Zn ore, associated with a high iron concentration (>20.0%) in the form of pyrite and pyrrhotite, was established. In order to obtain commercial concentrates, a pre-aeration is required to oxidize the pyrrhotite, as well as an adequate depressor scheme: lime, sodium metabisulfite (Na2S2O5) and a mixture of ZnSO4:NaCN (3:1).
The acidity developed during the milling of the ore demands an excessive amount of lime, so that to concentrate the ore required to be mixed with tailing from an old dam, which contains 14-15% of limestone. The grades of concentrates obtained were acceptable: 25% Cu/Cu and 54.38% Zn/Zn, while recoveries should be improved. The activity of pyrrhotite during flotation, considers its removal taking advantage of its highly magnetic susceptibility.
Número de páginas: 6
- Prieto-Díaz Ma. de J.
- Hernández-Salazar Ma. M.
- Corona-Arroyo M.A.
- Enrique Elorza Rodríguez