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Design, manufacture and validation of customized surgical guides for total knee replacement


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Design, manufacture and validation of customized surgical guides for total knee replacement

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.4772203082

  • Palavras-chave: -

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  • Abstract:

    This project focuses on the development of customized cutting guides for arthroplasty. Surgical guides are designed and manufactured using AM (Additive Manufacturing) technologies to establish the characteristics of the tibial cut and femoral cut for replacement by a surgical prosthesis. The design process of the guides is detailed, which starts with the reconstruction of the patient's anatomy by a CT (Computed Tomography) scan and is subsequently used for the decision of measures and angulations of the guides, using specific 3D design software. Subsequently, the realization of the personalized surgical planning and the choice of the specific material and method for the surgical guides are explained. Finally, the guides and the knee reconstruction model are 3D printed. 

  • Número de páginas: 4

  • H. Losada
  • A. Tejo-Otero
  • , C.M. Atienza Vicente
  • Laura San Martín
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