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Desde la gestión de competencias plurilingues en Honduras hacia el diseño de una maestría innovadora en didáctica de lenguas y culturas


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Desde la gestión de competencias plurilingues en Honduras hacia el diseño de una maestría innovadora en didáctica de lenguas y culturas

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.6411910079

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: Representations, competence and multilingual and multicultural curricula.

  • Abstract:

    In this article it is intended to

    establish the link between the results of a

    research, whose purpose was to measure ,

    initially , the evolution of social representations

    in the field of management of multilingual skills

    of students and professors from the School of

    Foreign Languages and Cultures ( ELCE ) of the

    National Autonomous University of Honduras,

    and the implementation , in a second stage , of

    a common and innovative training program in

    teaching languages and cultures , at a master’s

    level , offered to a diverse audience of teachers

    of all foreign and local languages taught in the

    country, at its different educational levels, mainly

    the university level.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • José Alexis Espino Díaz
  • Jean N Cooman
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