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Del estigma al sujetx políticx: una arqueología de la memoria histórica trans salvadoreña


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Del estigma al sujetx políticx: una arqueología de la memoria histórica trans salvadoreña

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9191905022

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: El Salvador, Trans Organization, Transsexuality; Sexual Politics, Memory.

  • Abstract:

    This chapter aims to present a

    descriptive narrative about the historical memory

    of Salvadoran trans persons - that starts from

    the marginal social spaces passing through

    the places of sexual work and culminates

    in the political participation of transsexual,

    transgender and transvestite people (Trans)

    in El Salvador between 1923 and 2017. Using

    the notion of archeology proposed by Foucault,

    we analyze primary sources of different

    archives and narratives that contain traces of

    Salvadoran historical memory of Trans people.

    The panoramic findings show ways or paths to

    future research on this topic.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Amaral Arévalo
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