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DEL CAMBIO CONCEPTUAL A LA RE-ESTRUCTURACIÓN REPRESENTACIONAL: Estudio de caso a partir de la noción de ciencia que poseen los ingresantes a la Universidad de Buenos Aires


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DEL CAMBIO CONCEPTUAL A LA RE-ESTRUCTURACIÓN REPRESENTACIONAL: Estudio de caso a partir de la noción de ciencia que poseen los ingresantes a la Universidad de Buenos Aires

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3211923192

  • Palavras-chave: Atena

  • Keywords: University; Science; Conceptual Change; Representational Change; Representational re-structuring

  • Abstract:

    This paper aims to give an

    account of the partial results of a research

    carried out around the notion of “science” that

    the students possess and that they acquire in

    their passage through the subject “Introduction

    to Scientific Thought” of the Common Basic

    Cycle (CBC) of Buenos Aires University (UBA

    - Argentina). “What notion of science did they

    have before entering the university?”, “Through

    what instances did they obtain it?” And “What

    was their later conception?” Were the questions

    that guided the construction of the survey so

    that the students could visualize the “before”

    and the “after” and, consequently, they could

    see what their representations and implicit ideas

    about science were (representations acquired

    fundamentally during their primary and secondary schooling and from the consumption

    of means of scientific dissemination) and how they “collided” or were contrary to the

    political and socio-historical dimension of the concept of science that was proposed to

    them from the IPC program. Also, this proposal is in line with another: the intention to

    think the passage from the idea of “conceptual change” to the one of “representational

    re-structuring”, going through the development of J.I. Pozo (et al) on the concept of

    “representational change”. Changing a concept or substituting a content does not imply

    changing the cognitive, practical and affective structure on which the general scheme of

    thought is sustained. That is why an attempt was made to broaden the problem towards

    the restructuring of the way of exercising thought (representative re-structuring) based

    on the “revisitation” and the implementation of a dialectical operation on the concept of

    “science” possessed and acquired.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Mariela Genovesi
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