DOI: https://doi.org/10.22533/at.ed.35725120310
Palavras-chave: autorretrato; autoaceitação; processo criativo.
Keywords: self-portrait; self-acceptance; creative process
Abstract: This text reports the process of creating self-portraits made by students in the first grade of high school at the state school Prof. Renato Jose da Costa Pacheco. The proposed activity aims to stimulate aesthetic appreciation, which involves the critical analysis of the production of self- portraits carried out by artists known or not known by the general public, and stimulate the artistic making, a moment in which students, with the help of a selfie, look at themselves and seek to represent them, perceiving themselves and expressing their individuality. The suggested work gives the student the opportunity to accept themselves, to look at their appearance captured by the camera and exercise the acceptance of their physiognomy, in addition to thoroughly perceiving the details of their face, in order to transfer it to paper. When they see their portraits displayed in an exhibition, offering themselves to the contemplation of others, they begin to cultivate self-esteem and self- acceptance, valuing their appearance and accepting themselves and others as they are.
- Jorge Luiz Mies