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O CURTABLV, Festival de Vídeo

Curta Metragem Ambiental, desempenhou

em sua última edição, uma função importante

para o avanço, a reflexão e o debate cauteloso

sobre o bullying e a violação de Direitos

Humanos no ambiente escolar, através de

novas metodologias dos saberes escolares e

das práticas educativas através dos usos de

redes sociais e a plataforma You Tube. Nesta

V edição, o CurtaBLV, reformulou-se em três

modalidades: música, poema e vídeo. Desde

a sua primeira edição, divulgado na página

AMBIÉTICA que foi criada e é administrada no

facebook pelos acadêmicos do 5° semestre de

Gestão Ambiental do IFMT - campus Cuiabá

Bela Vista desde 2012, constatou-se uma

abrangência cada vez maior de público e

participantes, principalmente nas redes sociais.

Através desta pesquisa procurou-se avaliar os

resultados pedagógicos destas atividades e

relacioná-las a alguns referenciais teóricos na

educação e os conceitos relativos às novas

tecnologias de informação e comunicação, tais

como cibercultura de Pierry Lèvy e Sociedade em

Rede de Manuel Castells, assim como fazer uma


análise da perspectiva qualitativa para capitação

das percepções e subjetividades dos fenômenos


relacionados ao bullying. A pesquisa utilizou-

se de documentação direta; com pesquisa de


campo e aplicação de perguntas com análise

bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. Dentre

elas tem-se uma que questão que aborda o

CURTABLV em si, dos 57 que responderam ao

formulário on line, no qual 49,1% das pessoas

afirmaram que desenvolveram maior criticidade

sobre o tema e 24,6% afirmaram ter superado

o esperado, pois abordou o bullying de uma

forma criativa, inovadora e de suma importância

no desenvolvimento e pensamento do mesmo.

Esse questionário também foi usado para a

análise das percepções e subjetividades dos

fenômenos. Considera-se que os objetivos

propostos pelo CURTABLV foram atingidos,

uma vez que a temática ambiental, juntamente

com outras de cunho social, foram vinculadas

e amplamente debatidas, na perspectiva de

reações ulteriores que, para além dos limites

da sala de aula, produziram autonomia e um

pensar complexo. O evento demonstrou que

as plataformas podem alcançar inúmeros

indivíduos e ressaltou a importância da

problemática bullying ser debatido em meios

escolares para a diminuição dos casos.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.59920260514

  • Palavras-chave: novas tecnologias educacionais; redes sociais, ensino, educação ambiental, percepção do bullying.

  • Keywords: The CURTABLV, Environmental Short Film Video Festival, played in its last edition, an important function for the advancement, reflection and cautious debate about bullying and the violation of Human Rights in the school environment, through new methodologies of school knowledge and educational practices through the use of social networks and the You Tube platform. In this V edition, CurtaBLV has been reformulated into three modalities: music, poem and video. Since its first edition, published on the ENVIRONMENT page that was created and is managed on facebook by academics of the 5th semester of Environmental Management of IFMT - Cuiabá Bela Vista campus since 2012, there has been an increasing coverage of public and participants, especially on social networks. This research aimed to evaluate the pedagogical results of these activities and relate them to some theoretical references in education and the concepts related to new information and communication technologies, such as Pierry Lèvy’s cyberculture and Manuel Castells Network Society, as well as make an analysis of the qualitative perspective to capture the perceptions and subjectivities of phenomena related to bullying. The research used direct documentation; with field research and application of questions with bibliographical analysis and documentary research. Among them there is a question that addresses the CURTABLV itself, of the 57 who responded to the online form, in which 49.1% of people said they developed greater criticality on the topic and 24.6% said they had exceeded the expected. , because it approached bullying in a creative, innovative and very important way in its development and thinking. This questionnaire was also used to analyze the perceptions and subjectivities of phenomena. It is considered that the objectives proposed by CURTABLV have been achieved, since the environmental theme, along with other social issues, were linked and widely debated, in view of further reactions that, beyond the confines of the classroom, produced autonomy. and a complex thinking. The event demonstrated that platforms can reach numerous individuals and stressed the importance of problematic bullying being debated in schools to reduce cases.

  • Abstract:

    The CURTABLV, Environmental Short Film Video Festival, played in

    its last edition, an important function for the advancement, reflection and cautious

    debate about bullying and the violation of Human Rights in the school environment,

    through new methodologies of school knowledge and educational practices through

    the use of social networks and the You Tube platform. In this V edition, CurtaBLV

    has been reformulated into three modalities: music, poem and video. Since its first

    edition, published on the ENVIRONMENT page that was created and is managed

    on facebook by academics of the 5th semester of Environmental Management

    of IFMT - Cuiabá Bela Vista campus since 2012, there has been an increasing

    coverage of public and participants, especially on social networks. This research

    aimed to evaluate the pedagogical results of these activities and relate them to some

    theoretical references in education and the concepts related to new information and

    communication technologies, such as Pierry Lèvy’s cyberculture and Manuel Castells

    Network Society, as well as make an analysis of the qualitative perspective to capture

    the perceptions and subjectivities of phenomena related to bullying. The research

    used direct documentation; with field research and application of questions with

    bibliographical analysis and documentary research. Among them there is a question

    that addresses the CURTABLV itself, of the 57 who responded to the online form, in

    which 49.1% of people said they developed greater criticality on the topic and 24.6%

    said they had exceeded the expected. , because it approached bullying in a creative,

    innovative and very important way in its development and thinking. This questionnaire

    was also used to analyze the perceptions and subjectivities of phenomena. It is

    considered that the objectives proposed by CURTABLV have been achieved, since

    the environmental theme, along with other social issues, were linked and widely

    debated, in view of further reactions that, beyond the confines of the classroom,

    produced autonomy. and a complex thinking. The event demonstrated that platforms

    can reach numerous individuals and stressed the importance of problematic bullying

    being debated in schools to reduce cases.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Paulo Alves de Oliveira
  • Veralúcia Guimarães de Souza
  • Alexandre Magalhães Arruda
  • Marco Aurélio Bulhões Neiva
  • Yuri Ogaya de Assumpção
  • Guilherme Ferretti Rissi
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