Crescimento das Exportações de Rondonópolis no período de 2001 a 2021: Uma Análise da Composição da Pauta Exportadora
Crescimento das Exportações de Rondonópolis no período de 2001 a 2021: Uma Análise da Composição da Pauta Exportadora
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.7642315129
Palavras-chave: Exportação; Rondonópolis; Commodities; Agrícola
Keywords: Export; Rondonópolis; Commodities; Agricultural
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the growth of exports from the city of Rondonópolis in the period 2001 to 2021, discussing the composition of the export agenda of the city, presenting the main products relevant to growth, as well as its main trading partners during the two decades. The theoretical and methodological contribution sought to explain this economic analysis during the period considered. It is noteworthy that the large production of products pertinent to the agricultural branch, the logistics of outflow for export from the municipality and companies focused on agribusiness are the main variables that contribute to the prominence of the city, together with the trade policies adopted and the importance of agribusiness today for the Brazilian export agenda, make the city one of the largest exporters in the state of Mato Grosso. This prominence comes from the creation and integration of public, fiscal, and economic policies adopted over the years, consolidating the municipality in the international market, and becoming one of the main exporters of agricultural commodities in the country.
- Alisson Junio Silva Espindola